"*" indicates required fields
Step 1 of 8
! Tip: during your session, while your browser remains open, you can use the Previous and Next buttons to toggle through your application and make changes
! Tip: during your session, while your browser remains open, you can use the Previous button to toggle through your application and make changes
You can report up to seven life and/or volunteer and/or work experiences that you believe are relevant to your intended career in K–12 teaching.
Please upload files that do not exceed 4MB. Contact the Provincial Scholarships team if you need assistance: scholarships@gov.bc.ca.
Statement question: Why do you want to be a K–12 teacher?
In addition to explicitly answering the statement question, you must also describe the following in your answer:
The statement should be a well-developed, multi-paragraph response. Do not exceed the 500 word limit.
By submitting my application and entering my name and the date below, I attest to and understand the following:
Would you be willing to be contacted for the purpose of reporting or research?
For the purpose of processing Pathway to Teacher Education scholarships, the personal information in this submission will be collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Section 26(c). Students’ personal information is used for the purpose of verifying eligibility, selecting successful candidates, and processing the scholarship payment.
Questions regarding the collection of personal information can be sent to the Ministry of Education and Child Care: Director, Student Transitions, at scholarships@gov.bc.ca, or, (250) 356-2443, or PO Box 9183 Stn Prov Govt, Victoria, BC V8W 9H9.