BC Parks is in the process of developing a draft management plan for Cowichan River Provincial Park. An important part of this process is obtaining the public’s views about the value of the resources in this area and the kinds of issues that should be considered.
We need your help in preparing the draft management plan for Cowichan River Provincial Park. Would you please take a few minutes and share your comments?
Please complete this form as fully as possible. If more space is required, please feel free to attach additional sheets of paper, or attach files at the end of this form. Comments can also be sent by mail, email or fax to:
Catherine Jacobsen
Planning Section Head
West Coast Region, BC Parks
Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy
1812 Miracle Beach Drive, Black Creek, BC V9J 1K1
Tel: 250 337-2404
Fax: 250 337-5695
Your help is very much appreciated!
By submitting comments to BC Parks, you consent to the Province’s use of your personal information for the purposes of collecting information regarding public opinion respecting the planning initiative. Comments received will be used in the planning initiative process, which might include partners, such as stakeholders, local government, First Nations and other interested parties. Information shared will be limited to your name and community of residence. Personal information will not be used by the Province for any other purpose.The Government of British Columbia is committed to protecting the privacy of people whose personal information is held by government through responsible information management practices. Any personal information provided to the government of British Columbia is collected under section 26(c ) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and is used and disclosed in accordance with this Act and/or other applicable legislation. If you have any questions or concerns about the privacy of this project, please contact BC Parks at http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/bcparks/info/feedback.html or bcparks.planning@gov.bc.ca or by mail at BC Parks, PO Box 9398 Stn Prov Govt Victoria, BC V8W 9M9.
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